Find Your Perfect Domain Name Today!

Your Online Identity Starts Here

Get a FREE Email Account with every new Domain Registration

Secure your domain today and score a free 10GB email account for 3 months – What good is a domain if no one can contact you on it?

Best Value Domains

Competitive prices for domain registrations and renwals offering the best of value.

FREE Email Account

With every registration or transfer, recieve a free 10GB Email account for 3 months.

FREE DNS Management

DNS Record Management so you don't have to. A, CNAME, MX Records and more!

Wide Selection

Choose from a vast collection of domain TLDs to match your niche or business.

Unbeatable Support

Get assistance from our expert support team for any DNS-related inquiries.

Build Your Brand With HostBITS

Whether you’re just starting or are a pro in the game, HostBITS is here to help!

$ 15.95 $19.95 /yr
FREE Email Account*
FREE DNS Management

$ 14.95 $17.95 /yr
FREE Email Account*
FREE DNS Management

$ 15.95 $19.95 /yr
FREE Email Account*
FREE DNS Management

$ 15.95 $19.95 /yr
FREE Email Account*
FREE DNS Management

Unlock originality with domains tailored to your vision

Dive into our exclusive deals on the freshest vanity domain options.

$ 9.95 $34.95 /yr

Attention Bloggers! Level up your online presence with a .blog domain. Ideal for bloggers, writers, and brands ready to make a statement. Begin your blogging journey now with a .blog domain.

FREE Email Account*
FREE DNS Management

Let us help you find the perfect custom domain name

Our domain experts are at your service, ready to guide you through the process of selecting the ideal domain that encapsulates your vision.

$ 14.95 $39.95 /yr

Step into the digital age with a .co domain – a symbol of modernity and forward-thinking. Effortlessly fuse commerce, community, and creative pursuits online. Don't delay; secure your .co domain today and embark on a building your digital presence!

FREE Email Account*
FREE DNS Management

Need more help?

Stuck or have questions? We’re here to help! Get in touch with our friendly support team – we’ve got your back.